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If necessary/desired, we can replace the root of the natural tooth or molar by an implant and make sure that you can chew comfortably.

What is an implant?

An implant is an artificial root that is placed into the jaw and integrates with your bone. An implant looks like a screw or hollow cylinder and is made of titanium, a material that is accepted well by the body. Implants form the basis for a crown, bridge or denture.


When do you need an implant?

An implant can be an effective solution if you have lost a tooth or molar. There are different causes for loss of a tooth or molar: a sport accident, illness, tooth decay, or periodontitis (gum disease). Losing one or more teeth/molars is very unpleasant, as they have many important functions. First of all, they help us chew food properly and are necessary for good speech articulation. Teeth and molars also make sure that the jaw bone remains intact and they are an important part of harmonious facial expression. A healthy and esthetically pleasing set of teeth is a great source of life quality and positively influences a person’s self-esteem and appearance.


What does the treatment entail?

We start with a detailed examination of your teeth and make x-rays. It is very important, for example, that your jaw has adequate bone support to anchor the implant. During this appointment, you also receive detailed information about the importance of dental hygiene for a successful recovery process. If an implant is possible and if you agree to the treatment plan and quote, another appointment is scheduled to start the implant placement.


The treatment is performed under local anaesthetic. After administering the anesthetic, the dentist opens the gum and drills a small hole into the bone where the dental implant is then placed. Next, the gum tissue is stitched back into place. Afterwards, the implant needs to fuse firmly with the jaw bone. The recovery process can take up 6 weeks to several months; each case is unique. Generally, self-dissolving stitches are used. If your stitches are not self-dissolving, they will be removed after 2 weeks.


During the recovery phase, the crown, bridge, or denture is made. The final restoration is placed on the implant, so that you can smile, bite, and chew like you used to. In order for the treatment to be successful in the long run, careful monitoring and aftercare are vital. After placement, you need to visit the dentist/implantologist at least once a year and sometimes every 3-6 months for checkups. During these appointments, your implant, the restoration, bone level, gums, and oral hygiene are checked.


What does an implant cost?

The type of treatment determines the costs. Usually, the costs for an implant placement are around €900. Please contact us for more information about our treatment options and costs.


Is an implant covered by insurance?

Implants or a denture on implants are often covered by Dutch basic health insurance if you suffer from a severe developmental or growth disorder. If you do not suffer from any of these disorders, you may receive reimbursement from additional dental insurance. Please note that the reimbursement does not always cover all implant placement costs. We recommend that you find out if additional insurance is financially worthwhile in your situation. We will gladly help you with a personal quote.



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